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CIEN Stock analysis by StockPit(20201208)

01 2
  • CIEN’s profitability is good. In addition to the decrease in 2018, the net profit margin has gradually increased in recent years.
  • CIEN’s growth has slowed down, but its net profit margin has increased, and free cash flow per share has increased. The company is in good health.
  • Market news: Ciena is a 5G infrastructure. Telecom companies need to upgrade the original network to optical fiber when transitioning from 4G to 5G. Ciena has a quarter of the optical fiber network hardware market share.
  • Stock price trend: The stock price has broken out of the bottom and continues to grow upward.
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【美股-5G設備】CIEN 個股分析(20201208製作)

01 2
  • CIEN公司獲利能力不錯,淨利率除了2018年降低,近年逐漸增加。
  • CIEN公司成長變緩,但淨利率提升,且每股自由現金流增加,公司體質佳。
  • 市場消息:Ciena公司為5G基礎設施,電信公司從4G過渡到5G,需要將原有網路升級為光纖,Ciena佔有1/4光纖網路硬體市占率。
  • 股價趨勢:股價已擺脫谷底,持續向上增長。
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【台股】太醫(4126) 個股分析(20201207製作)

01 1
  • 太醫公司獲利能力不錯,2018有下滑,近期恢復水準,比2016年更好。
  • 公司成長能力不錯,營收增長速度因應疫情減緩。
  • 每股自由現金流增加,藉由營業活動和出售資產賺取現金、償還借款。這家公司在試圖改善財務體質。
  • 大股東持有率下降,需要注意。
  • 產品以美元計價,受新台幣升值影響造成匯損壓力。
  • 醫院門診量下滑、手術量也減少,一般性醫療耗材如手術手套、管袋組、面罩等需求量同步降低。
  • 不過,新冠疫情推升密閉式抽痰管出貨強勁,營收比重已超過 3 成,加上該產品毛利好,產品組合轉佳
  • 歐美地區占整體營收比重 40%、中東及亞洲地區占 6 成,其中歐美地區受惠醫療耗材需求增加,業績同步看增;反觀中東、日本地區客戶,因轉向向當地政府採購,估兩地區全年營收約年減 1 成。
  • 太醫除苗栗銅鑼廠外,原本因應中國保護國產品政策,赴江蘇常州建廠,但後續受到疫情影響,全面停止中國設廠投資與興建計畫。
  • 股價趨勢:已止跌擺脫震盪期,持續爬升中。
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NFLX Stock analysis by StockPit(20201204)

  • Netflix’s profitability is good, the net interest rate continues to rise, and economies of scale are emerging, but the company is still in its growth period, and the proportion of bank loans has declined, which may be related to the slowdown in revenue growth.The slowdown in Netflix’s growth ability and the slowdown in revenue growth is related to the number of subscribers, but it continues to grow.
  • Free cash flow per share started to be positive this year. Didn’t make any money in the past few years.Have now started to make a fortune.
  • Market news: HBO and other competitors are launching more streaming content. Netflix’s future subscription growth will focus on Asia, and the original content in Asia will also increase. It seems that to revive national films, you can count on Netflix to invest in promotion.
  • Stock price trend: The stock price fluctuates but has a continuous upward trend.
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FTNT Stock analysis(20201131)

  • FTNT has excellent profitability, and its profits have grown substantially since 2018.
  • FTNT has good growth capabilities, but its revenue growth rate has decreased and inventory turnover days have slightly increased.It is expected that the company’s future growth will slow down.
  • The cash earned by the company is used to repay borrowings and reinvest, and the cash level is good.
  • Market News: Due to the impact of the epidemic, the demand for cloud work and remote work has increased, and cybersecurity-related stocks have received attention
  • Stock price trend: The stock price stopped falling and gradually rose slowly.
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